Monday, March 15

The pre-testing and everything went great today. They said I passed. I have to be at St. Joseph's at 5:00 in the morning and the surgery will start around 7:30. They took 6 or 7 vials of blood, did a chest x-ray, EKG, and asked me about a billion questions. I'll be having an MRI in the morning when I get there.

Jordan should be updating everyone on facebook and I might be able to talk Greg into updating this blog. She'll also have my phone so feel free to text if she forgets- 501-514-8383.

And to answer the question EVERYONE has been asking me the past few days... No, I'm not worried. I have faith in God and faith in my doctor. I am a little nervous, but who wouldn't be?

1 comment:

april said...

Hey Jessica!
Hope it's okay that I'm following your blog :)
Praying for you & your family, especially today - but in the weeks to come as well.
Please have someone let me know if you need anything!!