Wednesday, March 31


Is therapeutic. Forgive me for any typos as I can't actually see most of what I'm typing. :)

I feel like all I do on here is complain, but it helps me! It also helps me remember all my symptoms so I can look back if I need to.

This morning started off really bad... On a scale of 1-10 (1 being a minor annoyance and 10 being reserved ONLY for childbirth) my pain was about a 8. I stayed in bed until about... well I have no idea, but I know at some point I tried to eat breakfast and lunch. I ended up taking a muscle relaxer and going back to bed. I just rested and slept off and on most of the day. Greg moved the TV to where i don't have to lay on my back to watch movies in the bedroom. My neck is too stiff to turn my head and my head starts hurting when I'm up for more than 30 minutes or so.

I feel a lot better now. I managed to eat a little bit for dinner and am fixing to drug myself up on Tylenol PM and a muscle relaxer so I can sleep.

I miss my little pookey bear. :(

1 comment:

Brenda said...

"Pookie Bear" sat with me at church tonight and entertained everyone during class. She blew us kisses bye when we left. She's growing up to be such a sweetie!