Sunday, May 17


Time for my Sunday afternoon nap... the problem is that I usually don't wake up in time for evening services and Greg tends to forget we start at 5 instead of 6 now. Jaina was a good baby this morning! I was actually able to hear most of the sermon! Several people in our congregation have had deaths of people close to them in the last week. One of them was a guy who was 26. He was killed in a motorcycle accident. They announced it Wednesday night right after (within a couple of hours) it happened. The sermon was about how to glorify God through your grief.

We've started having a ladies' Bible study every other week on Sunday nights before services. I had to miss the last one because SOMEONE (I'm sure you'll never guess who) had been crying for about 5 hours straight and I just couldn't deal with her. I have it ordered on CD and I've heard it was a really good one.

Chrystal, we got the pictures. They are adorable!!! I love the one with the baby piano. They're goin' on the fridge as we speak... and I literally just got up and put them on the fridge with a bunch of pink "sweet little girl" and "adorable" magnets! LOL!!!

OK, well I'm off to make a pot of coffee to get me through the afternoon!!!

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

LOL!!! I'm sure *someday* he'll forgive you for the pink magnets. (Of course, Ben would love it, because his favorite color has always been pink.)