Monday, October 12

Well. I have no title.

I've been sick for over a week! Apparently its nothing more than a really bad sinus infection. I ended up giving in and going to the doctor Friday because I'd had a low grade fever the night before and woke up with a major headache and sore all over. I was convinced I had the flu, but I guess not.

I'm supposed to do Race for the Cure in Little Rock on Saturday, but I have to work now instead. I had to get someone to switch Saturdays because I was too sick to work this one. I'm still trying to find someone to switch again with me this Saturday, but everyone else who could possibly trade with me is also doing Race for the Cure. So looks like I'm out of luck.

Jaina is kind of standing up by herself, but only if she doesn't know she's doing it! I can't believe how much she grows and changes before my eyes. She literally learns something new every day. She has also started fake coughing. Every time I cough (for real) she imitates me. It's almost like she's making fun of me! The little stinker...

Greg applied for a job in North Little Rock last week. We should know in a couple of weeks (I guess a week now) if he gets called back in for an interview. It took both of us and about an hour to fill out the application. I forgot how they need to know every single thing about you for the last 10 years of your life...

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Good luck on the job!