Friday, July 10

Flat tire

Yep, that's how my day started. I was late for work, opened about 4x as many accounts as I normally do (one of them was 2.5 million...that's by far the biggest I've ever done!), and left a stack of paperwork to do on Monday... or Tuesday if I don't get around to it. I also have to work tomorrow because I need to take a 1/2 day off on Tuesday and I have to make up the hours somehow. I pretty much spent the last 2 hours at Wal-mart shopping (with Jaina) while I was waiting to get my tire fixed and now I'm working on soup for supper.

My grandpa had his dye test/procedure today. One artery was 90% blocked and another they just said was partially blocked, so they put in 2 stints. He will not have to have any kind of bypass surgery and he should be able to go home tomorrow morning!

1 comment:

Chrystal said...

Goodness gracious, girl!